The Thermocline and Underwater Waves
The waters of the loch are seldom at rest. One of the earliest scientific
distinctions earned by Loch Ness was in 1904 when it was the site of the discovery
of large scale water movements known as internal seiches. The loch's profile has
an unusual trench-like regularity and is orientated North East and South West
in line with the prevailing winds. The warm overlying water of the epilimnion
is therefore easily transported down wind. The water then returns beneath the
surface like a conveyer belt. At the same time, in a typical South West wind,
the warm water is piled up at the North East end, tilting the thermocline down
in that direction. As the wind begins to drop, the warm water begins to flow back,
even against the wind, and gathering momentum overshoots the level and see-saws
with a steady 54 hour oscillation for up to a couple of weeks. This internal seiche
hardly affects the surface but the movement of millions of tons of water generates
huge underwater waves on the thermocline over 40m high and travelling at a majestic
1km per hour. The turbulence of these internal waves is the main process of mixing
heat downwards through the thermocline. They are at their height during the autumn
when the loch ceases to gain heat and equinoctial gales keep the cooling epilimnion
mixed to a uniform temperature. The difference in temperature between the epilimnion
and the water beneath becomes less as the thermocline settles deeper but it will
be Spring before the whole loch is mixed to a uniform 5.5o C.
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